Hedier Animation Studio

<< [1.1.2 Scenes]

[1.2.1 Projects] >>


The most significant concept of Hedier is the playing of actual projects, it follows a step-by-step process, which is outlined below.

  1. Load the double-frame array, this is an array of frames, corresponding to an array text data
  2. Display the text on the playback screen
  3. (Studio only) Call hooks for frames and scenes, this includes updating metadata and checking validity
  4. Increment the frame counter
  5. Check if the frame counter exceeds 999, if so, go to the next scene, or stop playing
  6. Repeat

This must occur on a wait time of, by default, 1000/14 milliseconds. Which demonstrates that this occurs so that 14 frames are shown a second. This can be altered, however default and standard playback is 14 frames per second.

It has not been seen to be significantly heavy operation playing and loading scenes, however loading a project with 500+ scenes, each containing 999 frames, can become memory intensive. Our requirements for Hedier are usually 4 CPU-cores (Hedier is not multicore) and 8GB of RAM. Projects (as you will learn in 1.2) do not take up significant room, only are a complex web of folders and files.